Tag Archives: UvA

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... actually born in Transsylvania ...
… actually born in Transsylvania …


Researchers enjoyed some harmless fun while waiting for feedback from the reviewers. Here, Dariu Gavrila can be seen on Jie Shen’s laptop screen. Jie was demonstrating mask overlays – an option he has added to Imperial’s face tracking software.

Dariu, who once told the project manager she was “too nice a person to make a threat really scary for someone actually born in Transsylvania” like himself, couldn’t wait to try the Dracula mask.



The FROG project was presented among the projects shown at the EC booth in Karlsruhe, during the 2013 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

From the consortium, Luis Merino from UPO was there presenting a paper on online planning under uncertainties, and Dariu Gavrila, from UvA, was giving a keynote speech at the Workshop on Vehicle Autonomy in Urban Transportation Systems.