Fernando Caballero Benitez


Fernando in Lisbon, November 2013
Fernando in Lisbon, November 2013

Fernando Caballero Benitez and Luis Merino have been working together since 2003. They work on robot localisation and navigation, respectively. A robot first needs to know where it is (localisation) in order to carry out its mission (navigation). Fernando’s expertise is a bit more towards aerial robots, Luis’ towards ground robots.


PhD students who are fortunate enough to have these two as their supervisors are very lucky. It may be hard work but that goes with some solid training in the science that is the fundament of what they do, and sincere appreciation for what the PhD’s achieve. It’s a pleasure to see this close supervision in action – even if you don’t understand Spanish.

One or both
One or both of these supervisors is on hand nearly all of the time
Apart from lots of lecturing and work in projects, Fernando is taking part in one of the European Robotics Challenge in the GRVC–CATEC  team taking on Challenge 3. These Challenges are set up in stages, something like the levels in a game. Each stage has to be overcome in order to pass on to the next phase and to acquire more funding. The first stage is to sift out the serious participants. The GRVC – CATEC  team hopes to go on to the second phase after October 2014.

Fernando likes a good barbecue and he designed our polos.

Fernando also likes a good barbecue
A really good barbecue
An excellent barbecue
An excellent barbecue

One day Fernando will get around to making a serious, English language website and you will then find the link here. Till then we’ll have to make do with his publications page.

How are we going to tackle those curbs?
How are we going to tackle those curbs?